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The founding families of The Tower of Prayer Church are: The Webster’s, Williams’ and Oden families. A very close-knit family that valued prayer would gather on Sunday afternoons as a family for the breaking of bread and prayer. A group of 12 individuals would gather faithfully for prayer and soon God began to speak prophetically to the family about a ministry…one that the founding family never thought of. God began to speak to and show visions of a new, greater ministry that would be birthed to Pastor C. Shaemun Webster at the prime age of 16. After many months of prayer, consultation and fasting, the family held its first service Sunday, November 28, 2004 in the home of Co-Pastor Andre Oden and The Tower of Prayer Church was birthed with 12 members. For three years, the family would meet consistently for weekly services in the home which were always filled with powerful prayer services, prophetic declarations from heaven, healing of the sick and people were often filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Over the span of time the families were constantly seeking God for a permanent building to house the public for church membership and ministry opportunities. On Sunday, November 4, 2007 the founding family moved into its current worship campus located at 8429 First Avenue, Leeds, AL 35094 and began receiving public membership.

From the beginning, The Tower of Prayer Church focused on reaching out to the non-churched community, building relationships with the hurting, serving the destitute and always creating an atmosphere where the apostolic signs, wonders and miracles of God would be present in all services. God charged the church to never make any moves, decisions without consulting Him through prayer. The Tower of Prayer Church’s foundation is the Word of God and prayer. We are in existence and we will be sustained only because of prayer.

The Tower of Prayer Church, with the God given motto, The Place Where God Is Transforming Lives, is a place where God is constantly transforming our lives in divine alignment with the Word of God through practical preaching, life-application teaching, a life devoted to prayer & fasting and fellowship with co-believers.

Since the birth of the church, the Lord has added to church continuously, performed signs, wonders and miracles for the ministry and membership! Under the mighty hand of God, we are continuing to expect God to manifest His promises to the local church as Pastor Shaemun Webster carries out the vision God has given unto Him. We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and people are free to go after God with passion!


“…You are a member of God’s very own family…and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.” Ephesians 2:19 (LB)

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